col·lec·tion: an accumulation of objects gathered for study,
comparison, or exhibition or as a hobby.
kid collectors share stories about their collections
I Love to Collect! - at one museum, kids' collections are worthy of an exhibition!
Precious Moments - Stacey remembers how her collection got started.
Is There Anything I Don't Collect - Sara's theory about the lure of collecting.
A Collector's Life - Sara's theory about the lure of collecting.
Beware the Beep! - a little advice from Caitlin.
And Now For My Next Collection! - Marlene, age 13 searches for her collector-identity.
I am not your Ordinary Collector - the collection you didn't know you already have.
Soft Spot - these collections are "stuffed".
Poetry Collector - under the heading LOVE!
Calling All Collectors - your chance to join our own online exhibit of kids' collections.