by Marlene, age 13, Texas Hello, my name is Marlene. I am 13 years old and collect a lot of things. Let me start off like this.... Most of my collections began as and are fetishes. Some of them are corny, others not. Some expensive, some cheap. But, most of my collections are just plain, 'babyish' or 'weird', as my friends would put it. The first thing I started collecting was snow-globes. You know, those little glass balls that play music, and have figurines inside, and then when you shake them up, !PRESTO!, it's snowing inside the ball? Well, I have about, oh say, 10. Then, that got a little pricey, so I went into photo collecting. Well, CANDID photo collecting. I would onto the street with my Vivitar, spot a person, walk up to them and ! BOOM! pushed the button. However, after my 89th shot, people started getting mad. I remember this one lady actually chased after me threatening to smash my camera or call the police! So, here I was, contemplating what to collect next. I thought, why not books!
ok? I love to read and always have. The only problem is, I would read books so fast, it was expensive. I mean, hey, I didn't want to go to the library. You can't collect the library! So, once again, I change my collection to something more exciting, exotic, and less-expensive. What? Postcards! But, that got boring. So I switched to figurines. I have 150 alphabetically categorized in themes. I've got them all. Everything from a village of rabbits and ducks, to a castle with fairies, to goblins, to swans. And, that's where I am now. Except, really, I guess I am also a collector of magazines, make-up, and web-sites. In a sentence, I am a pack-rat/ collector of collections. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed my story!And Now - for my Next Collection