More About ZuZu
ZuZu was once a real newspaper that existed in the world outside computers
from the spring of 1992
to the summer of 1995. It was published by Restless Youth Press, Inc. a non-profit organization dedicated to publishing original work by young authors and artists.
Born in New York City, ZuZu was filled with the images and words of kids of all ages from many different backgrounds. It also featured children's book writers and illustrators, profiles of adults engaged in a variety of interesting careers, and more stories that reflected what readers were interested in.
Every other month, ZuZu was distributed free-of-charge to schools, libraries, pizza parlors, theme parks around New York City and eventually around the world!
Teachers, reporters, librarians and kids were wild about it! This little newspaper grew and grew, from 15,000 copies to 30,000. It sponsored film festivals, writing contests, puppet shows, and other events for kids. Then one day, unable to adapt to the world around it, ZuZu abruptly disappeared.
Until Now...As of September 1996, Zuzu has resurfaced on the worldwide web. Showcasing work previously published along with inviting new young people to contribute, ZuZu continues to be a forum for expression for those explorers who stumble upon it.
Press Clippings