
press oval

The following are excerpts from some of the articles written about ZuZu in both NYC and worldwide press, as well as comments from our "fan letters" and reader polls.

Global Press...

ZuZu is currently the most exciting periodical in circulation in New York. The fundamental principle behind the paper is that the young won't accept being patronised. The writing is so fresh and the artwork so inspired that ZuZu is rejuvenating just to flick through.
- The Independent, UK - January 1994

ZuZu is foremost among the interactive newspapers for kids. The generous use of kids' own materials in this publication serves as a model for children who may feel self-conscious about expressing themselves openly.
- Designing for Children Watson-Guptill, USA - 1994

The Village Voice for the 12 and under set... ZuZu is a determinedly hip, breathless newspaper with short and long articles, most of them by young readers, on news events, art and music.
- New York Times, USA - January 1993

The unique point of ZuZu is that children actually participate in creating the publication, contributing letters, interviews and lending to it their hip, up-to-date sensibility.
- Pronto Business Journal, Japan - June 1993

Educators speak...

"ZuZu is an excellent resource for kids because it is written by them, and covers a wide age and ability range. It neither condescends, nor alienates. There is always an article of deep interest, humor or local relevance for my students."
- Felice Piggott, 5th grade teacher

"Children love the imaginative artwork and get great pleasure from giving their imaginations a good workout through the many suggested projects for writing, drawing and exploring. Teachers love ZuZu because it gets children thinking, drawing...and laughing!"
- Nina Drooker, Enrichment Instructor

"When special ed students ask to do reading and writing on their own, you know the paper is doing something right. I can't thank ZuZu enough."
- Janet Blitt, Educator

KIDs speak...

"ZuZu makes kids feel that they are important."
- Chani Singer, age 11

"Children should be able to speak their minds just as adults do."
- Avigail Druck, age 11

"ZuZu helps us to learn more about what is going on outside our own school and neighborhood."
- Tristan Neil, age 12

"Kids can learn new things that they don't know. Then when they grow up, they can tell their kids about reading newspapers like ZuZu!"
- Huy Do, age 10


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