click on each for a review of the site
The Franklin Institute Science Museum
Library of Congress
Radio Aahs
Visit the White House
The Smithsonian Institute
Unitedmedia.com - The Ultimate Comic Land
Beakman's Internet World
The Postcard Gallery
Scholastic Book Publishing Company
Time for Kids
The NASA Shuttle Web Archives
Editor's Picks
The Franklin Institute Science Museum
Matter, mass, electricity. Have you ever encountered one of those three worlds? If you haven't blast into the wonderful universe of science of the Franklin Institute Science Museum, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. At this incredible web site, you can find out the latest about the Sojourner tripping around Mars, and visit the exhibit: Videotopia, a celebration of the 25th anniversary of video games.
Have you ever heard of The Philadelphia Inquirer? It's a newspaper sold in Philadelphia. However, you can read it on this site. You'll be able to see the entire museum anyway with a virtual tour also enclosed on this web site.
"Please come to the web site!," Benjamin Franklin explained.
This site rates high for both entertainment and homework help.
Library of Congress
The BFG, My Side of the Mountain, and Little Red Riding Hood. What wonderful stories! Do you like to read? Well, if you do , I think you'll enjoy reading some thrilling stories at The Library of Congress. On this fantastic site, you can explore many magazines, read the latest newsletter, and breaking health reports and visit exhibits like The Dead Sea Scrolls.
This site is a bit text heavy and may seem hard to navigate, just remember to hit the
GO button once you have made your selection.
This site rates high for homework help.
Aahs World Radio
"You're listening to the coolest radio station for kids, Aahs World Radio,"
one of the kid DJ's announced. Radio Aahs is a station just for kids. Aahs is
a station just for kids that can be heard here in New York as well as many
other states in the U.S. The New York affiliate for Aahs World Radio is:
1660 AM/WJDM. Aahs provides some of your favorite music while challenging you
with an educational BRAIN game.
You can also read through the history
of the station. Want to get bios of your favorite Aahs DJ's? Go right ahead
at the Aahs homepage. Bored? Want to stump yourself with a brain game? All
you have to do is get to Aahs's website. All in all, Aahs World Radio has a
cool homepage as well as an awesome radio station.
The real place:
I recently went to a very interesting place only about an hour and ten minutes out of
New York City. This exciting place is known as Cybersmith. At Cybersmith, you
can turn a picture of yourself into a screensaver or a mouse pad and play
awesome computer games. Do you know what the best part of Cybersmith is?
You can surf the web! Check out the latest shareware on America Online. All in all,
Cybersmith gives you many different options to interact with. And, speaking from
experience, it is a great place to have a birthday party! By the way, there might be a
Cybersmith in your neighborhood, they have locations out in the real world in Palo
Alto, California; Cambridge & Boston, Massachusetts and White Plains, New York.
The web site:
On the site for Cybersmith, you can check out the Hot Site of the Week, take cool
quizes in the TriviaSmith section, and find out what Nethead Red's latest opinion is,
and she has one about everything! There are also a lot of tips about software and
other computer matters.
Visit the White House
Have you ever wanted to explore the world of politics and presidential odds and ends? How much time a day does Bill
Clinton spend working? Which room do you think is the coolest? Do you think the President is doing a good job or a bad job? Express your feelings by sending him an e-mail message. By the time you've finished browsing this site, you'll be a presidetial genius because you got to go on a visual extravaganza of the White House.
The Smithsonian Institute
The Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.D. is a very famous building. It has artifacts and materials and all sorts of things from 151 years ago and also things from the 20th century. Discover movies and learn about different things: Animals, geography, old television sets, books and tons more. When you ope the doors to SI.EDU,, you will enter a world that contains the past.
Unitedmedia - The Ultimate Comic Land
Do you ever come home from school and sit down and start reading the hilarious comics in a newspaper? Now, at Unitedmedia.com, you can see how comics are made. You can also explore some award-winning comics and learn about their history. Painting, creativity, writing and many other epics are all packed into this site, from Dilbert to Garfield.
Beakman's Internet World
Bada-bang, bada-bing, bada-boom! That's a familiar sound to hear if you watch CBS-TV's hit science series,
Beakman's World. On television, he always answers tough science questions that viewers create.
Guess what? It also has a web site. Discover over 30 mind-puzzling questions and ansers. How does a plane
fly? How fast does light travel? Can you talk in space? Those are just a few questions that can be
revealed if you visit this fabulous web site. Are you famous? If you're not, it doesn't make a difference.
Whether you are famous of not, you'll get to sign in Beakman's guest book. So, go bada-bang, bada-bing,
bada-boom to the Beakman web site.
The Postcard Gallery
Are you ever on vacation and you want to send postcards to a friend? I like to send postcards whenever
I'm on vacation. Postcards can take weeks to get to their destination. Now there's a card that can't get
lost in the mail. Internet postcards. At the Postcard Gallery, you choose a picture that you'd like to send
to a person. Then, you write your letter. Put your e-mail address on the card as well. And then click send and
within seconds, your mail is sent to their computer. It just is a way to show how the technology of the
Internet is evolving second by second. Just remember, next time you want to go to the post office to send
mail, you don't have to. You can get there with a click of your mouse.
Scholastic Book Publishing Company
Scholastic is a very popular book publishing company for kids.
Not only does the company publish books, they're also on the web.
Discover the latest books coming to your bookstore. Find out about new bone-chilling R.L. Stine books. Explore the magical worlds
or take a ride on The Magic School Bus. Now I will say, this isn't my favorite site. There were lots of ups and downs in Scholastic.com because lots of the site
was for adults. The good part of the site was that there were lots of things kids could do.
I'd give it a final rating of 6.
Time for Kids
Time for Kids is a magazine and an internet site. TFK comes out every Friday as a magazine as well as being on the web. Like the famous Time magazine for adults,
TFK discusses important issues ane events in the week. They also have fun things such as the mystery person of the week. A clue is given and you have to identify the person the clue
is talking about. TFK is a fun-filled site with many activities to do.
I'd give it a final rating of 8.
Cool... as I continue to review the web sites, the ratings seem to increase!
The NASA Shuttle Web Archives
I know, you're about to stop reading this article because it says the site was made by the government. Don't stop. This site is awesome!
At this site, find out about past missions, such as Apollo 13 and future missions as well. Also you can see and hear video
and audio of flights landing, counting down to blastoff, watching the actual launch and more! If you want to hear the latest in space news, you can access that.
This is the best site I've ever been to. I'd give it a final rating of 9.

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