Since ZuZu premiered on the internet in September of 1996, we have received lots of support from other sites, search engines, and organizations that search the web for innovative content. We hope you will take the opportunity to return the favor for us and visit some of these informative sites.
The Los Angeles Times has created a section on their web site called Launch Point, a collection of educational Web sites. They gave us an award for a good site, and of course they have chosen about a million other sites for kids, worth a surf, waves just ok - but hey, the water's warm!
The Small Planet Award We think this site has tremendous good taste, not only because they bestowed their award for excellence on our modest site, but because they offer some of the best links for kids (clearly organized!) that we have seen on the web. One of our favorites is a site that helps kids design their own web pages, something we are always getting e-mail about.
The ABCs of Parenting Directory as you can tell from the title, this is mostly a site for parents. It is chock full of information for every stage of parenting. One gem for all ages is a link for great clip art and animation off the internet for use on your own homepages or wherever!!
Dogmark's Cool Dog Site Being a dog (and Cat!) lover, this award holds a special place in my heart. This site, sponsored by Japan's number one dog magazine, "WAN", is an amazing discovery. They not only award a top site each day, they hold a monthly contest for best site of the month. It boggles the mind that there are so many dog sites on the internet, ranging from enlightening veterinarian sites to homespun "All about my Pekinese" sites. A must for any pooch fanatic.
Web Indexes
Yahooligans By now, everyone knows what Yahooligans is, but we were fairly new to the net when we received a special listing as a new & COOL! site for kids. Still a fantastic search engine for kids, with new features like downloadable stuff and contests galore.
BBC Web Guide We are delighted to be included in this new web guide, recommending us to kids with an interest in creative writing. Loaded with links, this site is another great contribution from the famed British Network.
America Online One of the first sites to cite us for excellence, we were chose one of the top 5 sites for kids, just one year after we debuted. The Netfind for Kids feature on America Online allows subscribers to search the net for kid-appropriate sites, and there are a ton of them. A great place to start your exploring if you are on AOL.
ParentTime More of an online magazine that an index, we find this
site tremendously insightful! Filled with articles about issues surrounding parenthood,
from important medical news, to celebrity parent interviews and a special activities section.
We are proud to have been awarded a parent's pick from this very picky site. Worth a visit for all ages, may even help kids gain some inside info on understanding parents.
Educational Material Material originally published by ZuZu has been included in various material for educators, including these two CD roms.
SIRS - Social Issues Research Series This CD Rom series, designed to help educators tackle social issues in the classroom, republished several articles originally published in ZuZu, including: Never Say Nevermind, an article by 9 year old that deals with being hearing impaired; and Eyes on the Prize a profile by a young Native American activist. For further information, call:1 800 232 SIRS.
Classroom Connect A newly published CD Rom that helps introduce classrooms to the internet, like a beginner's kit. They have surfed the net and chosen sites based on content and potential to involve students in projects that continue on in the classroom. For more info about this teacher kit, visit their site, or call 1 800 638 1639.