Salute to New York
by Adam Ring, age 10
They tell me your're cruel and I know it's true;
For I have read about many tragedies and seen some myself.
They tell me you're mean, and I believe them;
For I have seen many homeless, starving as they beg to survive.
But when they tell me you're no good,
I refuse to agree.
I would like them to show me a town with so much happiness.
So proud to be on this earth.
Fierce as the tiger and as proud as the eagle.
Never has the world seen such a city.
Fierce, Strong, happy, joyful
never has the world heard such laughter.
Laughing with your might,
Laughing with your pride.
And I laugh with you.
I am part of New York.
- first published on the cover of the Winter 1994 issue of ZuZu.