After reading Meagan's story about Stoughton, MA, I felt compelled to write and attempt to correct her misconception of Stoughton. she would never be happy-no matter where she lives. Stoughton is my husband's birthplace. We have visited there many times since we married. There are wonderful people and much to do. A lot of history. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Meagan must learn to adjust her priorities and quit expecting to be entertained. Maybe some volunteer work in a nursing home with people less fortunate than she. As you can tell, I live in a famous place. I could list hundreds of things that are wrong. But everyday, I try to find something beautiful about my community. For instance, we have green trees and flowers all year long. I have a butterfly garden in my backyard. I always have zebra longings, Gulf frittilaries and yellow sulphurs. Sometimes I have pipevine swallowtails, monarchs, Giant Swallowtails, and Eastern Black Swallowtails. I also raise orchids. In August, I pick avocados from my tree. My neighbor grows tomatoes in December. I am active in my church and Eastern Star Chapter. I belong to a garden club and attend a Bible Study weekly. I am a retired teacher. H I love my hometown. I was born on Miami Beach but raised in Miami. I have lived in my present house, 46 years. There is still so much that I have to discover about my town. I never stop growing.