Well, I live in Bethel Park, PA. About 45 minutes away from Pittsburgh. It's a quiet place, not much happens. Once in a while, there's a break in or a shooting but, not often at all (once in a blue moon). There are a lot of kids, elementary, middle school, and high school age. There are about 5 elementary schools, and over 2,000 kids just in the middle school, and close to a 4,000 in the high school. Almost eveybody is friends except for the few enemies some people have. We don't have a Y, but are planning to put one in where the old Park Ave. school was. That'll be fun because there isn't much to keep a kid busy around here. I must admit sadly that we do have a slight drug problem. Once you hit the middle school, the drugs start pouring in. People you thought were goody-goodies, suddenly aren't anymore. It's easy to get sucked into the "great world" the druggies promise you, once you're there, you can't escape. It's weird sometimes how the picture-perfect town that seems to have no problems, suddenly changes right before your eyes. I guess that's the only way to describe Bethel Park, like any other community, we have our share of problems (probably more than most) but, we all try to help out when we can. Despite our facade, under, we're all pretty decent people and Bethel Park is decent too.