The Electric Disease
By Jake Vreeland
The sky was an eerie shade of yellow. All but one tree had lost its leaves. The grass became stiff and sharp, and all the rivers ran dry.
That was the day you would call "Doomsday," but I like to call it the reconstruction of the world. We, the energy made inhabitants of the lonely planet Heirleer, have come to this world for just one thing- human oxygen. It will cost the lives of every creature on this planet, but its the only hope for our world.
The thug grasped Jake by the shirt, and tossed him against a wall. Blood dripping from his nose, Jake swung back at the vile gangster. Then a large group of teenagers, much older the Jake, came into the roaring battle. Jake found a gap between a few of his opponents, and ran right through it. He barely made it out with his shirt.