Cat Care Tips
The advice given here was sent in by some of our readers who happen to be cat owners!
The Thing About Cats
By M. Cowles
The thing that I like about cats is the way that they love to cuddle up to you and how they give you the "cutsie eye" look. You know, they open their eyes real wide and purr. Anyway, here are some tips about getting cats.
1. If you get two cats, get both males. It's not only cheaper because you don't need to spay (stop females for having kittens) them, but females somtimes have a sort of temper.
2. Don't let them go outside. They will love the outdoors so much that they might not like you anymore, or at least not as much!
3. If you are away from home a lot, get two cats. They will keep each other company.
4. Always give them lots of T(ender) L(oving) C(are)!!! and that's all you really need to know about getting a cat besides food schedules and litter box stuff.
5 Tips on Raising Friendly Cats
By Suprpupy
1. Play with the cat a lot.
2. Be the one to feed it.
3. Get a grooming brush and brush the cat.
( it feels really good to them)
4. Do not get 2 kittens at the same time, they will play with
each other instead of you.
5. Give the cat lots of LOVE.
Note: A great toy they like is just a piece of string that you dangle around. Not too fast because they like it slow so they can get it. Praise them when they get the string.