The Beanie Stealers!
by Diana F.
This story is a very true one. It is about a beanie baby that was stolen. It happened like this: me and two of my friends were playing with our beanie babies when we discovered that Bongo was missing.
We look all over the track field we were playing at. Then one of my frinds said she had seen three older boys who had asked her if they could see Bongo. She had said no. But maybe somehow they stole him.
Me and my friends went over to the older boys. They were playing with a football. We asked them if they had seen him. They said no. But we did not believe them. For a hour we tried to get their football and finally we got the foot ball. We told them if they wanted the football they would have to give us the beanie babie. They did and we gave them the football as we said we would.
That should be a lesson to you never let your eyes of your beanies if you have any.
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