"I think beanie babies are a waste of money. My sitter is 20 and buys them.
She even buys cases for the tags. Beanie babies are addictive."
"Sure, beanie babies are totally cute...for three year olds! I admit, I have a few, but not 150! I say if you can find em and you don't have to fight for it then ok, get it, but other than that it won't be worth it in the long run.
These stuffed lil' creatures will soon be easy to find and not to mention, very common. So, if you just like em anyway and don't just like em because
everyone wants them, than wait about a month or so and you will be able to get them anywhere." - Rachel "I don't really see why beanie babies are such a big hit . Stores used to sell them and nobody wanted one, but when
the put them on tv everyone wanted them. My friends cousin has 86 of them .
girls my age like them now but before they thought they were too old for them!" - Chris, age 12 "I think that the beanie babies are going to be a hit for maybe a month but then like those stupid sand animals or Elmos they're are going to be forgotten. It is just a quick rush and then a quick stop. Personally I don't see the big deal with them." - anonymous "I think that beanie babies are a stupid stuffed pet that should be shot off
the Earth! "Mommy , Mommy get me the crab that is the only one I need mommy
c'mon mommmy!" I HATE THE BEANIE BABIES!"
- anonymous "
Beanie Babies? What's all that about? I think people blew it all out of
proportion." - Silvia "Ok I'm a little confused here about beanie babies--what is the whole great
point about them--everyone in my school has like all of them--what's so great
about an animal stuffed with beans?? " - Scruffie "I think people are making a big deal over nothing. I mean, there cute and
cuddly, but there just stuffed animals! "- Turtles